The main controls in the table arm drive section are the position input fields for the left and right arm. To drive the table, enter the desired positions into these fields and click the ‘Go’ button. The input fields can be linked together with the ‘link’ checkbox that is located above the fields. When linked, if a value is entered into any of the two fields, it will be copied into the other field automatically. The input fields also double as displays when reading the current arm position. Click the ‘read’ button for a single readout of both arm positions, or check the ‘cont. read’ box for a continuous readout. Continuous readout is stopped automatically when a value is entered into one of the position input fields. |
This section is only available when the instrument is configured for spectroscopic measurements. The monochromator’s wavelength position can be entered in nm or as photon energy in eV. The monochromator is driven to the selected position when the ‘Go’ button is clicked. The ‘init’ button is used to initialise the monochromator this re-establishes communications if they were lost, or if the monochromator was not on when the Controller was started. The ‘set’ button has no effect. |
The Birefringence Modulator is controlled through a voltage from the Measurement Controller.
Spectroscopic calibration data is stored on the Controller which it uses to calculate the Modulator gauge voltage for a given wavelength and peak retardance amplitude (or phase shift) setting.
The Birefringence Modulator Section of the Picometer Ellipsometer Control panel allows you
to set the Modulator retardation for a given wavelength and peak retardance amplitude, or
by specifying the control voltage directly. This is done through the two input fields whose
options can be set using popup menus (Variables: peak ret – peak phaseshift and wl – wavelength. Units: rad – radians, frac – fraction of the wavelength, volt – control voltage, nm – nanometers and eV – electron volts). |
This section provides a readout of the ellipsometry signal. The displays can show lock-in
signals or the values of x and y. There is also a readout of the unmodulated detector signal,
described as the ‘dc’ signal. Since x and y are calculated from the modulated (or ‘ac’) signal
detected by the lock-in amplifiers divided by the dc, the three readouts show all the information that goes into the ellipsometry signal.
If the x,y box is checked, the first two display areas show the x and y ellipsometry signal. If it is unchecked, the displays show the lock-in signal in mV. The ‘read’ button performs a single readout of the selected signals. If the ‘cont. read’ box is checked, the signals are updated live (about three times a second). The ellipsometry readout uses the settings specified in the measurement section of the Picometer Ellipsometer Control panel. If the ‘modulate analyser’ option is selected, only single-shot readout should be used, since the analyser modulation takes too long for a continuous live readout. Therefore it is not recommended to use continuous readout mode if both the ‘x,y’ button is checked and ‘modulate pol/ana’ is selected in the measurement section. When reading the lock-in signal, the range of the upper two bar displays is updated automatically to react to the lock-in sensitivity settings. In ellipsometry mode, the range is fixed to ±1. |
The ‘hist’ button opens a history window that shows the last five signal readouts. The signal values are added to the history in first-in, first-out mode. The history is only updated if the history window is open. This feature is handy for comparing different instrument settings while setting up an experiment. |
This part of the Picometer Ellipsometer Control panel contains controls for setting the
parameters for ellipsometry measurements, and for automatic measurement scans.
An ellipsometry measurement is started by clicking the
‘Measurement’ button. If any of the scan type checkboxes at the bottom of the Measurement
Control section are selected, the ‘Measurement’ button starts the scan. Otherwise, the
button has the same functionality as the ‘read’ button in the Signal Display section. During a scan this button changes to stop (this stops the data acquisition at that point). Once a measurement is started a Data Display window appears.
The remainder of the measurement section can be split into three parts:
1) Modulation: If the modulate pol/ana box is checked, the polarising element that is selected for modulation is modulated during measurement. This means that two readings are taken at two positions of the polarising element. The readings are subtracted to correct for systematic signal offsets. The two modulation positions are symmetric to the p direction; at the standard polariser/analyser angle of 45o, the second position is 135o. It is recommended to always use this option, unless a fast time response is needed. In this case, systematic offsets should be determined prior to starting the scan. |
This part of the Picometer Ellipsometer Control panel is used to save measured data into Igor waves. This is similar to saving data in files on the hard disk, except that the data is saved into the current Igor experiment file. The Igor experiment can then be saved to disk. The individual waves will not appear as separate files on the hard drive, but are part of the Igor experiment. The Igor experiment file is not automatically saved when measured data is copied. Select ‘Save’ from the ‘File’ menu or use the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl-S’ to get a permanent copy of your data on the hard disk. To export a data wave into a separate file, use Igor’s data export commands. The last measured data can be copied to either a single complex wave with the x signal in the real part and the y signal in the imaginary part; or as two separate waves for x and y. The wave names are created by appending an underscore character followed by a type code to the text in the ‘Name’ field. The codes are: ex Real wave with ellipsometry x signal ey Real wave with ellipsometry y signal exy Complex wave with ellipsometry x and y signal |